Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Silicon Valley / MIT-EF Greece and the work continues.

Returning to Greece from sunny Silicon Valley with renewed vigor, and a drive to keep pushing forward. The MyeTutor.org team will have to rise to it's challenges in the coming month, and we believe we have a team that is capable, innovative, and giants in their fields. Want to be a part of this team?  contact us, join the education evolution!  http://www.myetutor.org

We other news as well!  We applied to the MIT-EF (MIT Enterprise Forum) competition / forum for Greece, and have successively passed to the semi finals. Last week the first meeting of the MIT Enterprise Forum. Great collection of companies representing a very broad range of products and services. https://www.facebook.com/MITEnterpriseForumGreece

A lot of work ahead, and some great mentoring from some of top people in their fields. This is another push for us to grow, learn, and create the platform that will evolve education into the information age.