is here, which means the relaxing days of summer are behind us and the push
continues to bring personalized education into reality. Some big news has come out of the heat of
summer, as well as a great response from our social media outlets!

If that's not enough, this summer we were also nominated and included in the Educents Top 101 Educational Websites & Apps Guide of 2016. A great resource for educational
information, updates, and shakers in the digital world of eduTech.
Our team is
expanding, in more ways than just the company side. We have opened
registrations for Parents, Students, and Tutors, check for more details. Want to help develop, build rich interactive
content, or have an expertise you believe can help us achieve our goals? Drop us a line from our website, email:, or any our social media
thanks to all who have helped push us ever forward, and here is to a new school
year full of learning and growth.